Reclaiming our sovereignty
Lately, the topic of sovereignty has really been on my mind.Â
I’ve been tapping into my own right and power to decide my life experience, to speak my mind, to express my preferences, and to set boundaries.Â
I’ve also been exploring what is required to have an opinion or make a decision.Â
I believe it’s critical to use facts and accurate information when making certain types of decisions.Â
But our culture has become so obsessed with using facts and figures to justify all things, that we’ve forgotten that truth can also exist without measurable evidence.Â
We’re forgetting the art of intuition (not to be confused with dogma).Â
Intuition is the calm and beautiful voice inside of you that inspires you to take the next right step or lets you know that something is out of alignment for you.Â
I worry that women’s experiences and needs are stifled because we often rely on intuition to guide us, but our society tends to undermine the validity of anything we cannot measure.Â
We seem to be more tapped into this superpower than the masculine at this time in history.
In fact, as I write this, I’m letting my intuition guide the message. One could argue that I’m not really driving this process much at all.Â
And there’s so much magic in that. Â
There’s so much power in that.Â
Our intuition is the part of us that is tapped into ultimate truth.Â
And I wholeheartedly believe that there are ultimate truths in this world. I watch it unfold every single day with my clients. As they process trauma through EMDR, their defense mechanisms begin to fall away, and the most profound wisdom emerges from them - because it was always there. It was an ultimate truth that they just didn’t have access to for a while.Â
I want you to explore getting more in touch with your own intuition and sovereignty.
I want you to remember that you have all the answers within yourself.
Sometimes the answer will actually be to research something further.
But many times the answer will be a calm knowing that something isn’t right for you.Â
And that’s all the information you need.Â
You don’t need to create a spreadsheet of your reasons.Â
You simply need to listen to your ultimate truth.Â
You have divinity within you.Â
You are a goddess in your own right.Â
You are sovereign over yourself, now and forever.Â
Reclaim your power and watch the world unfold for you.